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Home: Welcome
About Me
I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the Karelian Institute at the University of Eastern Finland. I work at the intersection of feminist theory, field philosophy, and environmental humanities. Currently, I am part of a team working in a project 'Not just a fence: Disentangling the boundaries of order, logic, and control'.
I'm interested in unruly plants, undisciplined academic practices, smaller histories and defiant movements. My research owes to feminist, anti-racist and anti-fascist traditions of dreaming of and making more just and liveable worlds.
I am working on a book about nature, nation, and borders in the ecologically precious Białowieża Forest in Poland.
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Research Areas
Feminist theory, Philosophy, Gender Studies, Environmental Humanities, Border Studies
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Karelian Instutite
Yliopistokatu 2, Aurora B
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
University of Eastern Finland
80130 Joensuu, Finland
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